My woman slept with another man & got pregnant... But I Took Her Back

So, there was a funny discussion on Twitter about how difficult it is for men to forgive their woman once it is discovered that she slept with another man. And this guy FOLARIN said he is one of the few men who has done it; his woman did not only cheat on him, she got pregnant for a guy who she didn't know was not ready to marry her and somehow he got to know about the mess.

He said he pardoned her and after everything they continued the relationship...

And someone said he just wanted to have 'enough sex' with the wayward lady because of the money he had wasted on her and still dump her. So another person asked FOLARIN if he eventually married his cheating woman, he said NOPE, they later broke up.

Funny fake love drama everywhere...*laughs*
My woman slept with another man & got pregnant... But I Took Her Back My woman slept with another man & got pregnant... But I Took Her Back Reviewed by Hilltop Eagle Synergy on 10:32:00 Rating: 5

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